Monday, November 10, 2014


So, watched a strange movie in class today. Where do these search engines get off scrutinizing my every keystroke, I'll never know. But they know where I go, what I look at when I get there, and they have all these insidious suggestions that are the product of this information which they sell for a song to advertising agencies. Now my grocery stores are keeping tabs on me? When do we just get supercomputers that jump from camera to camera, photographing your every move no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing? I understand why this information is valuable, but shouldn't I get a say in what information is being absorbed from my searches? And if I do, shouldn't I get a cut for selling my information to companies to better serve me and get me to buy there crap? I don't understand why it is that collective America either doesn't have a very good grasp on this or just doesn't care.

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